Discover the Latest Enhancements and Fixes in rConfig!
Enhancement - Get config_extracted_properties with Devices API V1 Call
Enhancement - Add credentials to v7 login page, if site is demo version
Enhancement - SNMP Polling Group Updates
Enhancement - Optimised rconfig:archive-logs for millions of rows
Enhancement - Compliance not working for encrypted config files
Bug Fix - Dashboard Devices Down Link loading filtered devices correctly
Bug Fix - Prevent negative values for failed configs count on dashboard
New Feature - Add hard code to previous version instead of saving them every time
Enhancement - Config property extract, or SNMP poll should not run for snippets
Enhancement - Vector Agents queues to show unprocessed jobs as yellow, not red
Enhancement - Add Filters in to Vector Agents logs
Enhancement - Sort Device Toolbar Filters Alphabetically (tags, vendors, commandGroups)
Bug Fix - Configuration Properties commands dropdown, not showing all available commands
New Feature - Integrated rConfig Vector Server Code
Enhancement - Applications Dependency Update
Enhancement - Minor text updates for xFTP CLI
Enhancement - Fix Devices without SNMP Polling groups causing failed jobs
Enhancement - Update xFTp scripts for podman support
New Feature - Breaking: PHP SNMP Extension must be installed. See docs:
New Feature - Introduced a dynamic property feature for SNMP to support firmware and device management.
New Feature - Implemented a feature to extract data from configuration outputs and attach it as a property to the corresponding devices
New Feature - For SNMP and Config management Property Features visit
Enhancement - Resolved an issue where script parameters were not being deployed correctly for XFTPServer commands
Enhancement - Increased the maximum connections for the SFTP container from 10 to 50 to enhance performance and scalability
Enhancement - Update .env.example for default prod queue timeout to be higher than 120
Enhancement - Added a test for enableModeLogin in SSH to ensure the system checks for a prompt before sending the enable command.
Enhancement - mproved error handling for Socialite SSO providers to display error messages directly on the login page.
Enhancement - Added an inline UI note to inform users to escape regular expression special characters in the prompt if present
Enhancement - Update Laravel and NPM dependencies
New Feature - Introduce NonInteractive Mode Backups for SSH connections
Enhancement - Horizon Prod Timeout issue for download Queues
Enhancement - Refactor CommandController and Command model for improved response formatting and add EOC definition deletion check
Enhancement - Enhance CIC PolicyDefinitionParser with Error Handling and Unit Tests
Enhancement - Add HTML detection and escaping in ModalConfigPeek component
Enhancement - Refactor ConfigVersionCompareService handling: improve method names, add error handling, and enhance logging
Bug Fix - Backup Clean up attempting to clean both disk and ftp at the same time
Bug Fix - Search Beta not working if Command Group not present
Bug Fix - Add mikrotik evaluation for ansiShowCommand Order Of Operations
Bug Fix - 1062 Duplicate entry '999110' when adding/ removing new docker based TFTP service
New Feature - REST API ConfigsEndpoint API v2 Beta (See in app docs)
New Feature - REST API Devices Endpoint API v2 Beta (See in app API docs)
New Feature - Implement Optional Config File Encryption FileEncryptionService
Bug Fix - Password reset confirmation causing errors on match
Bug Fix - PGSQL DBs reject null values from empty tags and other relationships for task updates
Enhancement - Automatically set default per page for device pagination
Enhancement - Updated Config prompt Instruction to allow Regexp Wildcards
Enhancement - Beta - New API endpoint to display all configs for a given device, including all other attributes. Filter by device_id and status only
Enhancement - Hide device credentials for devices API endpoints if mask_device_credentials is set in .env
Bug Fix - Filtering devices, when paginating, pagination removes on filter
Bug Fix - Compliance reports not sent after #403 update
Bug Fix - APi Collection not sending headers in correct format
Enhancement - Refactor Compliance Overview Summary cards for optimized and cached query data
Enhancement - Add DB index to configs table for device_id, to speed up search and filter results
Enhancement - Code: Organise API routes into submodules and add a test for the total route count
Enhancement - Optimize Compliance Report Retrieval and Append Summary Data Command for Large Datasets [Breaking:]
Enhancement - Enable overwrite OR add for bulk updates on devices
Enhancement - REST endpoint to backup API collection (See REST API Docs)
Bug Fix - FTP Service container not starting after system reboot (Manual Fix:
Bug Fix - Filtering devices table, when paginating, pagination removes on filter
New Feature - Beta Feature: NEW search, sort and filter to config-search page
Enhancement - Update to RESTAPI UserController to allow addition of roles to new /updated users
Enhancement - xFTP Services not restarting after system reboot
Enhancement - Prevent deletion of category if attached to CIC definition
Enhancement - Add support for enable username and prompt in SSH connection for HP 5400 XLs
Enhancement - Allow xftp services to create full upload path in case where devices do not run config backups
Enhancement - Enhance snippet params replace placeholders algorithm
Enhancement - LDAP icon for LDAP users on users data table
Enhancement - API Collections: Custom Headers
Enhancement - Add templates to Bulk actions on devices table
Enhancement - Add bulk delete to devices table
Enhancement - Add FixLatestConfigVersion command to resolve any inconsistencies with latest_version data on configs
Enhancement - Optimize tftp-sweep command, for single digit device IDs and error checking [breaking change -]
Enhancement - Config Purge Updates - Purge all configs (in days) except 'latest download' regardless of device status
Enhancement - Config Purge Updates - must not purge configs for disable devices
Enhancement - New Beta Search Enhancements
Enhancement - Enable is_socialite_approved to users v1 api endpoint
Enhancement - Remove is_system flag from xftp sweep hidden task
Bug Fix - Filter on Compare filters not working or loading invalid configs
Bug Fix - ApiDeviceLoadStrategy returns all records in message key, not data key
Bug Fix - Configuration Status on Dashboard may have incorrect count for Failed Configs